St Michael's has a number of school-based policies and procedures that govern various aspects of our school life.
Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese (CSPD), also provides advice and recommendations on educational and administrative policies and priorities, and monitors policy implementation.

Policies and procedures
Governance Risk and Compliance
Modern Slavery Statement
CSPD's Modern Slavery statement focuses on confronting modern slavery and ensure that our supply chains respect the dignity and value of each person.Whistleblower Policy
The purpose of this policy is to encourage reporting of corrupt conduct, maladministration and serious and substantial wrongdoing without fear of reprisal or detrimental treatment.Privacy Records and Information Management
Alumni Collection Notice
This wording on this Collection Form can be used for School Alumni Associations with reference to CSPD Privacy Policy (Updated 2023)Employment Collection Notice
This notice outlines what information CSPD collects and stores when you apply for employment with us, and who we disclose that information to.Information Sharing Policy
The Information Policy sets out how Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese (CSPD), its schools and related services obtain and release personal information from and to third partiesPrivacy Policy
This Policy sets out how the CSPD manages the personal and sensitive information we collect and hold. (updated Jan 2023)St Michael's Primary Communication Policy
The St Michael's Communication Policy outline's the school's policy for communicating with parents through a number of channels, including Skoolbag, our website and via email. Last updated 2018.
Standard Collection Notice
The Standard Collection Notice outlines the types of personal information, including sensitive information about students, parents or guardians, and how that information is used. (updated logo 2023)Volunteer and Contractor Collection Notice
In applying to provide your services you will be providing our schools, Catholic Early Learning Centres (CELCs), Catholic Out of School Hours Care services (COSHCs) and offices with personal information (Updated 2023)Professional Learning
Accreditation to Work Teach and Lead in CSPD
This Policy sets out how CSPD will classify and manage the accreditation of all teaching, non-teaching and CSPD staff.Safeguarding
Code of Conduct When Working With Children and Students
This Code of Conduct is to inform staff members of CSPD of the standards of behaviour and other requirements that must be adhered to when working in an organisation which delivers services to children and studentsSafeguarding Procedures
This document outlines the procedures that must be followed by staff members when responding to concerns relating to children and young persons and any alleged breach of the CSPD Code of Conduct When Working With Children and Students.Working with Children Check
CSPD has in place a variety of strategies to ensure child safe schools and communities are maintained including the obligation for all staff members undertaking child-related work to hold a valid NSW Working with Children Check clearance.School Community
CSPD Family and School Partnership Principles
CSPD and its schools, value parents and carers as partners and this partnership is critical in supporting each child to achieve their best throughout their learning and faith journey.Enrolment Policy
This Policy provides information about the enrolment principles, enrolment criteria and procedures for Parents/Carers seeking to enrol a child into a CSPD School.Guidelines for Parents and Carers in Raising Complaints
The objectives of this document are to provide information on raising a complaint.Research Application Guidelines
These guidelines are designed to support potential external researchers, and researchers internal to CSPD, to make sound decisions about their research application.School Fees Policy
The purpose of this Policy is to ensure fair and equitable school fee assistance and collection processes across all schools in the Diocese of Parramatta.St Michael's Primary Assessment and Reporting Policy
The St Michael's Assessment and Reporting Policy outline's the school's guidelines for assessing students and reporting to parents. Last updated 2018.
St Michael's Primary Building Child Safe Communities and Parent Involvement in the School
The St Michael's Child Protection policy outlines our focus on maintaining and building St Michael’s as a Child Safe Community. Last updated 2020.
St Michael's Primary Complaints and Grievances Policy
The St Michael's Complaints & Grievances Policy outline's the school's complaint handling procedures. Last updated 2023.
St Michael's Primary Excursions Policy
The St Michael's Excursions Policy outline's the school's approach to organising excursions while ensuring the safety of students and parent volunteers who partake in the activity. Last updated 2018.
St Michael's Primary Homework Policy
The St Michael's Homework Policy outline's the school's approach to setting homework tasks for students depending on their year level. Last updated 2018.
St Michael's Primary Wellbeing Policy
The St Michael's Wellbeing Policy cover's the school's approach for managing the wellbeing and pastoral care of all students. Last updated March 2023.
St Michael's Primary Work Health and Safety Policy
The St Michael's Work Health and Safety Policy outline's the school's approach to ensuring a safe working environment for staff, parents, volunteers, students and visitors at the school. Last updated 2018.
Code of Conduct Policy
This document sets out the obligations, responsibilities and standards of behaviour Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese (CSPD) requires of its staff members.Students
Banned Substances Student Procedure
This Procedure covers the possession, use and distribution of alcohol, tobacco, vaping devices, illegal drugs or other banned substances. (Updated Feb 2023)Bullying Prevention and Response Procedure
The purpose of this procedure is to prevent bullying through the creation of safe, respectful & supportive school cultures & responding to bullying behaviour in ways that are just & effective, with a focus on safety, restoring relationships.Externally Funded Therapy and Allied Health Providers in Schools Policy
This document provides information around externally funded therapy for students and Allied Health providers in school.Guidelines for Supervising University Student Placement
These guidelines apply to all university students who have been accepted into a professional experience placement at a CSPD school in the fields of social work and psychology.St Michael's Primary Anti Racism Policy
The St Michael's Anti Racism Policy covers the school's approach to combatting all forms of racism and discrimination in line with the Commonwealth Racial Discrimination Act (RDA). Last updated 2018.
St Michael's Primary Asthma Management Policy
The St Michael's Asthma Management Policy outline's the school's approach to managing students with asthma in consultation with parents and medical professionals. Last updated 2018.
St Michael's Primary Back Path Policy
The St Michael's Back Path Policy covers the school's policy for students who leave via the back path of the school. Last updated 2018.
St Michael's Primary Children with Medical Conditions Policy
The St Michael's Children with Medical Conditions Policy outline's the school's approach to managing students with a variety of medical conditions including allergies, epilepsy, diabetes and other medical conditions. Last updated 2018.
St Michael's Primary Collection of Children Policy
The St Michael's Collection of Children Policy cover's the school's policy for collecting children from school prior to dismissal at 3:10pm and the guidelines for this. Last updated 2018.
St Michael's Primary Disability and Additional Needs Policy
The St Michael's Disability and Additional Needs Policy outline's the school's guidelines for supporting children with disabilities and additional learning needs as needed. Last updated 2018.
St Michael's Primary Dismissal Arrangement Policy
The St Michael's Dismissal Arrangement policy cover's the school's policy for a change in arrangements for the dismissal of a child after school, including the method for notifying the school of this. Last updated 2018.
St Michael's Primary Dispensing of Non-Prescription Medication Policy
The St Michael's Dispensing of Non-Prescription Medication Policy cover's the school's guidelines for dispensing medications that have not been prescribed by a doctor. Last updated 2018.
St Michael's Primary Dispensing of Prescription Medication Policy
The St Michael's Dispensing of Prescription Medication Policy outline's the school's approach to the dispensing of medication that has been prescribed by a medical professional in consultation with parents. Last updated 2018.
St Michael's Primary Fencing Policy
The St Michael's Fencing Policy cover's the school's approach to ensuring the safety of students and staff by fencing the perimeter of the school, as well as access to the school during school hours. Last updated 2018.
St Michael's Primary Fire Safety Policy
The St Michael's Fire Safety Policy outline's the school's approach to minimising the risk of a fire as well as the protocols for emergency evacuations. Last updated 2018.
St Michael's Primary First Aid and Illness Policy
The St Michael's First Aid and Illness Policy cover's the school's approach to providing first aid and the management of illnesses at school. Last updated 2018.
St Michael's Primary Fruit and Water Policy
The St Michael's Fruit and Water Policy cover's the school's approach to healthy eating by providing students with a morning break for fruit, water and vegetables in addition to their recess and lunch breaks. Last updated 2018.
St Michael's Primary Late Arrival of Students Policy
The St Michael's Late Arrival of Students Policy cover's the school's approach for students who arrive at school late, including the protocols for signing in to the school. Last updated 2018.
St Michael's Primary Mobile Phones Policy
The St Michael's Mobile Phones Policy outline's the school's policy for students with mobile phones at school. Last updated 2018.
St Michael's Primary Parent Pick-up Area Policy
The St Michael's Parent Pick-up Area Policy cover's the school's policy for parents who collect their children from school of an afternoon. Last updated 2018.
St Michael's Primary Parish Carpark Policy
The St Michael's Parish Carpark Policy outline's the guidelines for the parish carpark at the school, including the regulations around parking in this space. Last updated 2018.
St Michael's Primary Reporting to Parents Policy
The St Michael's Reporting to Parents Policy outline's the school's approach for reporting to parents on the learning outcomes of their child in combination with regular assessments. Last updated 2018.
St Michael's Primary Road Safety Policy
The St Michael's Road Safety Policy cover's the school's approach to maintaining a safe traffic environment around the school. Last updated 2018.
St Michael's Primary Slow and Go Policy
The St Michael's Slow and Go Policy cover's the guidelines for the operation of Slow and Go each afternoon. Last updated 2018.
St Michael's Primary Social Skills Policy
The St Michael's Social Skills Policy outlines the school's approach for instilling social skills in all children. Last updated 2018.
St Michaels Primary Extreme Weather Policy
The St Michael's Extreme Weather Policy provides the guidelines used to manage student safety in cases of extreme weather. Last updated 2018.
Student Attendance Policy
Central to championing diversity and equity is our commitment towards the attendance of all students. This Policy sets out the requirements for all staff managing, recording, reporting and monitoring student attendance at CSPD schools.Student Attendance Procedures
School attendance plays a critical role in enhancing the lives of children and young people. Every day of attendance adds to a student's opportunity to learn, develop and experience success in education. Attendance is a core responsibility of schools.Student Behaviour Policy
The focus of this policy is to define the behaviour expectations of students and to assert everyone’s right to a safe, inclusive, respectful learning and working environment.Student Use of Digital Devices and Online Services Policy - External
This Policy is about Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese (CSPD) students’ use of Digital Devices and Online Services in School-Related Settings.Student Wellbeing Framework
The framework is made up of five strategies which enhance the school-wide focus on student wellbeing, safety and welcome for students of CSPD.Student Wellbeing Policy
This Policy states that principles followed when making decision about students. It is based on an acknowledgement that parents and carers are the first and most important educators of their children.Student exemption procedures
These procedures outline the conditions upon which a child may be exempt from being enrolled at and attending school (Implemented 2017)Suspension, Transfer and Exclusion Procedure
CSPD is committed to developing an educational and organisational culture based on mutual trust and respect that assists people to recognise and develop their personal capabilities.Weapons Procedures
CSPD is committed to ensuring that all its sites are places of safety for students, staff and other persons attending those places.
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