Catholic education supports students becoming more informed about the world and their role in its future.
These matters are important to all young people and St Michael's discusses global issues with our students in a supervised school setting. Social justice initiatives empower young people to be part of a solution.
There’s no better way for students to express the principles of Catholic social teaching than to stand together with their peers and teachers at school in support of those most in need.

School-wide initiatives
At St Michael’s we believe that social justice is about respecting human dignity and promoting the common good. As Catholics we are called to respond to those in need and work for justice and peace. Our whole school community works together to support a number of charities including:
- Caritas Australia
- Mercy Family Centre
- Catholic Mission
- CanTeen
- RUOK Day
- Jeans for Genes
School-wide initiatives

Classroom initiatives
Classroom learning programs aim to raise awareness of social justice needs and to advocate ways in which the students can respond actively to the needs of others. Throughout the year, the students have opportunities to participate in social action that is practical, hands on and educational. Organisations our classes have supported in this way include Caritas Australia, Jesuit Refugee Service and St Vincent de Paul.
Classroom initiatives

Social justice committee
Each year a social justice committee is elected from the Year 6 student body and these young people actively participate in activities such as:
- attending Young Leaders Day and the diocesan Social Justice Day
- assisting at community functions
- organising hampers for St Vincent de Paul.
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